3 Crazy Ways AI Will Change Your World

As we quickly approach the 50th anniversary of one of the most groundbreaking films of all time, 2001: A Space Odyssey, artificial intelligence looks vastly different than we expected half a century ago. Even so, AI’s growth in the last few years has been unprecedented, including with developments in Machine Learning, Algorithms, advanced processors and hardware, and capital flowing into innovation, it’s no wonder that AI has advanced to the point where most of us carry it around in our pocket all day long and don’t even realize it.

Smart home appliances, handheld devices, and wearables are all the rave of the moment. From the recommendations offered by Netflix, Google, and Facebook to self-driving cars, AI is changing how we interact with technology—and the world—on a regular basis.

And while every advancement in technology has its nay-sayers (remember Steve Ballmer, CEO of Microsoft saying, “There’s no chance that the iPhone is going to get any significant market share”?), and AI is no exception, artificial intelligence currently provides us with many benefits—and more are sure to be discovered. Here are three insane ways that AI will change your world.

AI Will Take Over Your (Tedious) Professional Service Jobs.

It’s quite common for companies today to leverage some sort of automation in handling business processes. According to a report conducted by Narrative Science, 80% of executives believe AI solutions can significantly improve productivity. (thenextweb.com) This is a sure way to improve efficiency and cut costs. Tasks like backing up data, scheduling, analyzing data and paying bills can be simplified with automation and tools. But AI can do more.

For example, AI can analyze content created by humans, and extract the core meanings—and themes—providing intelligent themes and data around the results. For example, the latest Competitor Analysis Tool does just this. Essentially, it allows you to examine and assess thousands of pages of your competitors’ content—a process that used to take weeks—in mere minutes. As a result, the companies that are able to utilize this data have a significant edge over their competitors.

The Healthcare Market Will Be Unrecognizable.

Artificial Intelligence is already speeding up the diagnosis and treatment process in healthcare. Doctors are currently using AI to study, analyze and treat chronic diseases like cancer and many lives have been saved. As time goes on, patients—especially the elderly ones—will be able to receive personalized and improved care.

AiCure app is a newly introduced tool for monitoring whether patients are taking their prescriptions or not. More so, it offers insight to people with serious health conditions on how to handle their individual situations. In addition, AiCure helps illuminate invisible behavior.

In the nearest future, AI will assist in managing data of patients which can be used to design a unique treatment plan for each patient, and virtual AI-driven healthcare personnel are also expected to carry out basic tasks in hospitals.

Global Warming Will Become a Thing of The Past.

Whether we realize it or not, many of our day-to-day activities have led to serious environmental challenges like pollution. While various non-profit organizations have been raising awareness in respect to how to make the environment safer, people still conduct their daily activities—continuing the cycle of pollution.

In order to protect the environment, a number of amazing AI solutions are being developed. For example, smart software has been developed to tackle air pollution in some fuel-burning factories. Robots are being designed to make the environment clean and minimize the impact of pollution. And in some cases, AI is being used to see patterns in environmental data in an effort to develop “what if” scenarios—and emission reduction responses.

These are just a few of the many possible ways AI will impact your world in the future. Ready or not—nay-sayers or otherwise—artificial intelligence is here to stay—and will keep advancing. And the future is happening faster than we imagined—the future is now.